We hope 2025 is treating you all well to date.
LUCKY NUMBER is up to $1700 for tomorrow night - Be in to win
RESTAURANT HOURS are back to normal now. Open for Lunch from 12-2 and Dinner from 5pm. The GOLD CARD SPECIAL is on every THURSDAY at lunchtime. Bookings are advised.
BURSARY GRANTS close on the 17th of January. Due to NZCA results only being available today we can hold your application until your acceptance letter arrives. Please call the office on 434 6163 Ext 3 for any enquiries. N.B. these grants are for children of current financial members only (not grandchildren etc.). The Club is always proud to help member's future generations with their tertiary education.
TOTALLY 80'S SHOW have asked to come back after their successful night with us last year. The date is Saturday 8th of March. Tickets can be purchased online at www.cosmicticketing.co.nz now, or behind the bar once the tickets arrive.
JOHN MCCABE is playing in the Lounge Bar Sat 1st of Feb